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Holiday entertaining doesn't have to be stressful or complicated.  

Updated: Nov 20, 2022

The Holidays are a great reason to get together with family and friends. Entertaining doesn’t have to be complicated. Try these easy and delicious drink recipes to pair with your holiday meals.

Adding vitality essential oils* to your favorite holiday drinks not only adds flavor but it also offers a little aromatherapy to your guests.

These essential oils are so concentrated that you only need a few drops to add a lot of flavor to your drinks and other dishes. A 5ml. bottle contains 200 drops, it goes a long way!

Make sure you stir your drinks well before you serve them.

Dairy Free Mexican Hot Chocolate

This is a quick and modern way of a very traditional Mexican hot chocolate with a healthier twist.

It is dairy free and you use a blender instead of making the froth manually with a ‘molinillo.’

Serves 4


32 oz oat milk

2 cinnamon sticks

4 Tbsp. raw honey


In a quart saucepan warm the oat milk and cinnamon sticks until almost boiling.

Pour in a blender the milk mix.

Add 4 drops of cinnamon essential oil, raw cacao powder and honey.

Blend **

Serve hot

*The Young Living vitality essential oils that I use are FDA approved for oral intake.

**Be careful when you blend the hot mix because the lid may pop up.

Don’t fill the blender too high.

The productsI used, all together a cup of the hot chocolate is only 176 calories

You can also make it with coconut milk, or almond milk.

Mulled Wine

Serves 4


1 bottle of red wine of your choice (not too dry) *

2 tbsps. of honey


You can warm the wine and keep it warm in the crockpot.

Mix the honey with the oils in a glass bowl and add to the warm wine. Stir well.

Serve warm on glass cups, not plastic!


*If you are going alcohol free this Christmas there are a few choices for alcohol- free wine as well.

Spiced Apple cider

Serves 4


1 quart fresh apple cider

1 Tbsp raw honey


Mix all essential oils with raw honey. Add to warm apple cider.

Keep warm in a crock pot.

Serve warm.

Pumpkin Coffee Creamer


2 cups of half and half or oat milk (if you want a dairy free option).

1/3 of a cup of organic pumpkin (I used organic canned pumpkin but if you have roasted pumpkin puree, even better!)

2 Tbsps. Vanilla extract


Combine pumpkin, vanilla and all the essential oils. Mix well.

Add half and half or the oat milk to the pumpkin mix.

Pour mix into a mason quart size mason jar.

Refrigerate. It last up tp 2 weeks in the refrigerator.

Make sure you shake well before every use.

Eggnog or Almond Milk Eggnog with Nutmeg

Just add a drop of nutmeg vitality essential oil to 8 oz of your favorite eggnog.

Mix well.


If you are ready to start to make healthier changes for a life filled with joy and energy. I would be happy to chat with you.

Email me the words "I am ready to take the first step" @ so we can schedule a FREE 15 minute session to get you on the right path. No pressure, no gimmicks!

We all need to start some where, it is just a matter of taking the first step.

You deserve it!

What is your favorite holiday drink? Leave us a comment, maybe together we can find ways to make a healthier version of it! Share your holiday drink pictures with us.

Fuel your body with the right foods for a more energetic body!

Also check our Family Recipes section for more latin recipes. Or for cooking tips and recipes at Cooking Simply with Gaby

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